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社会职务:IEEE会员,中国林学会会员,IEEE Communications Letters, Computers & Electrical Engineering等期刊审稿人
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[1] Chaoyi Zhang, Muqing Wu, Linlin Luan, An Optimal PSO Distributed Precoding Algorithm in QRD-based Multi-relay System, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2013, 29(1): 107-113.
[2] Chaoyi Zhang, Feng Chen, Lei Sun, Zhangchao Ma, Yan Yao, A new seasonal frozen soil water-thermal coupled migration model and its numerical simulation, Plos One, 2021, 16(11): 1-28
[3] Chaoyi Zhang, Yandong Zhao, New Multi-path Routing Protocol in Ad Hoc Network, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. 2013, 7(6): 2499-2507.
[4] Chaoyi Zhang, Yandong Zhao, Ruirui Zhang, YiliZheng, Research on the Influence of Water Vapor Diffusion and Evaporation on Water and Heat Transfer in Frozen Soil, Eurasian Soil Science, 2018, 51(10): 1240-1251.
[5] ChaoYi Zhang, Ruirui Zhang, ZhiHui Dai, BingYang He, Yan Yao, Prediction model for the water jet falling point in fire extinguishing based on a GA-BP neural network, Plos one, 2019, 14(9): 1-18.
[6] Chaoyi Zhang, YanDong Zhao, DongYang Wang, Spatial Channel Mapping Matrix Design in Single-Relay System, IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2015, E98-B(3): 477-484.
[7] Chaoyi Zhang, Yili Zheng, and YanYao, Modular Algebraic Precoding Relay System Model Based on Lattice Reduction, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 48859-48866.
[8] Chaoyi Zhang, Bingyang He, Yupeng Wang, Yan Yao, Improvement of the Spatial Channel Matrix Mapping and Precoding Algorithm in the Forest Environment, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 158720-158731.
[9] Chaoyi Zhang, Yili Zheng, Rongqiao Chen, A new environment parameter monitoring system based on zigbee protocol, International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 13: 289-295.
[10] Chaoyi Zhang, Ruirui Zhang, Yan Yao, Multi-antenna single-relay system precoding based on new vector quantization method, International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 10: 361-366.
[11] Chaoyi Zhang, Muqing Wu, Jiansong Miao, Linlin Luan, The Optimal Power Distribution in Cooperative Communication Relay System, 高技术通讯, 2013, 23(4): 371-377.
[12] 张超一, 赵燕东, 张军国, 露天苗圃灌溉控制系统网关节点调度模型研究, 农业工程学报, 2013, 29(15): 108-115.
[13] Chaoyi Zhang, Muqing Wu, Linlin Luan, Chunxiu Xu, Based on time-delay and bandwidth relay selection algorithm for radio and television services, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 748: 1009-1014.
[14] Chaoyi Zhang, Yandong Zhao, Multi-path relay selection based on radio and television business, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 756: 1883-1888.
[15] 张超一, 武穆清, 宿景芳, 一种新的无线中继网络随机接入协议, 沈阳工业大学学报, 2012, 34(6): 685-690.
[16] Chaoyi Zhang, Jingfang Su, Muqing Wu, Fixed Relay Random Access Protocol for Cooperative Network, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2011, 5(5): 157-165.
[17] Chaoyi Zhang, Jingfang Su, Jiansong Miao, Muqing Wu, Fair Scheduling for the Optimal Link of Ad hoc Network Based on Graph Theory, Information Technology Journal, 2011, 10(11): 2084-2090.
[18] Chaoyi Zhang, Muqing Wu, Linlin Luan, Chunxiu Xu, Link Stability for the Reliable Relay Selection Algorithm, Journal of Computational Information System. 2011, 7(14): 5086-5095.
[19] Chaoyi Zhang, Jiansong Miao, Muqing Wu, Fairness Resources Scheduling Based on AHP in OFDMA Relay System, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2011, 6(9): 380-388.
[20] Chaoyi Zhang, Muqing Wu, Jingfang Su, Linlin Luan, The Fairness Resource Distribution Algorithm for OFDMA System, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. 2011, Wu Han, 1: 201-206.
[21] Chaoyi Zhang, Yandong Zhao and Junguo Zhang, Relay Node Scheduling Model Based on Improved Discrete Markov Chain, Journal of Computers, 2014, 9(6): 1391-1396.
1 国家重点研发计划,2020YFB1708800,适配工业自动化的5G与TSN协同传输理论与关键技术,2020.11-2023.10,922万元,在研,参与
2. 北京市自然科学基金青年项目,6194041,人工林环境下的协作网络部署策略、信号传输抗衰减机制,2019.01-2020.12,在研,主持
3. 北京市优秀人才项目,基于“互联网+”的林业生态智能监测系统研究,2017.01-2019.12,已结题,主持
4. 北京市农业智能装备技术研究中心项目,KF2N2014W01-002,基于动态的机载3D激光扫描测距方法研究,2015.01月-2016.12,已结题,主持
5. 中央高校基本科研业务费,YX2014-05,基于“物联网”架构的土壤冻融信息实时监测网络优化设计,2014.01-2015.12,已结题,主持
6. 北京市华云升达科技有限责任公司,横向课题,温度传感器检定系统软件,2015.01-2015.12,已结题,主持
7. 北京北广精仪仪器设备有限公司,横向课题,有机碳含量自动检测装置开发,2019.09-2020.11月,已结题,主持
8. 北京北广精仪仪器设备有限公司,横向课题,击穿电压检测系统上位机软件开发,2019.12-2020.11月,已结题,主持
9. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41501283,基于冻土四相高精度辨识的黑土孔隙结构与相变耦合,2016.01-2018.12,已结题,参与
10. 北京市科技计划项目,Z161100000916012,林区生态智能巡检装备研发及病虫害预警平台建立,2016.01-2018.12,已结题,参与